About Us
The Yard Baseball Club was founded in 2011 with the goal of helping young athletes realize their dreams of continuing their baseball careers beyond high school.

Our Purpose
The Yard Baseball Club is an organization that exists for players with exceptional talent that are interested in taking their skills to the next level and playing college or professional baseball. YBC players are on a year-round program that is designed to acclimate them to the work level needed to succeed at the college level as well as to develop the physical and mental aspects of a player's individual game. We teach our athletes the right way to play the game and to exhibit the attitude and hustle on the field that college coaches look for in the players they recruit and demand from players in their programs.
Our Mission
It is our mission to help guide the players’ development on and off the field along the road to accomplishing their goals.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is that the complete development of every player is the main focus of our instructors, our coaching staff, and the parents in the organization. Developing each player to be the best they can on and off the field is how we measure our success.